Setting Up Data Retention Policies: A Conversation with Max and Zoe

Max: Hey Zoe, I'm trying to figure out how to set up a data retention policy in Microsoft Dataverse. Can you walk me through the critical steps and things to watch out for? Zoe: Absolutely, Max. Let's start with the prerequisites. Before you set up a data retention policy, you need to enable the table … Continue reading Setting Up Data Retention Policies: A Conversation with Max and Zoe

Optimizing Entity Creation with Custom Business Process Flows in Dynamics 365

When you create a new entity record in Dynamics 365, the system automatically applies a business process flow. This default behavior ensures that entity records are aligned with established workflows, enhancing both consistency and compliance. However, understanding and managing which business process flow gets applied can significantly enhance your customization and operational efficiency. Default Application … Continue reading Optimizing Entity Creation with Custom Business Process Flows in Dynamics 365

Mastering Wildcard Characters in FetchXML String Queries

When constructing queries in FetchXML that involve string conditions, utilizing wildcard characters can greatly expand your search capabilities and flexibility. This blog post will guide you through the different operators you can use with wildcard characters and explain each character's functionality, complete with relevant examples. Searching for Strings with Literal Wildcard Characters Sometimes, you might … Continue reading Mastering Wildcard Characters in FetchXML String Queries

Exploring Many-to-Many Relationships in Dynamics 365 with FetchXML

Navigating data relationships in Dynamics 365 can sometimes feel like a complex puzzle, especially when dealing with many-to-many relationships. A practical example of this complexity is the interaction between the SystemUser and Team tables through the teammembership_association. This relationship allows for sophisticated queries that demonstrate the power and flexibility of FetchXML. Understanding FetchXML for Many-to-Many … Continue reading Exploring Many-to-Many Relationships in Dynamics 365 with FetchXML

Exploring the Underutilized Power of Tabbed Sections in Dynamics

Within the landscape of Dynamics customization, the Tabbed Section stands out as a potent yet frequently overlooked feature. This tool offers a novel method for enhancing user interfaces, yet many may not be aware of its existence. What is a Tabbed Section? A Tabbed Section is a single-column section tailored to enhance your Dynamics forms. … Continue reading Exploring the Underutilized Power of Tabbed Sections in Dynamics

Enhance Accessibility with Pinning Capabilities in Your Timeline

The feature to pin and unpin activities, like important tasks, to the top of a timeline ensures these items are both prominently visible and easily accessible. This functionality removes the need for agents to sift through an entire timeline for specific information. By pinning key activities, agents can drastically reduce the time spent navigating through … Continue reading Enhance Accessibility with Pinning Capabilities in Your Timeline

Balancing Scalability and Functionality: A Discussion on Dataverse Elastic Tables

Max: Zoe, have you heard about the new Dataverse feature - elastic tables? Zoe: Yes, I've read a bit about them. They seem tailored for handling large volumes of data in real-time, right? Max: Exactly! They're great for scenarios like large retail campaigns where you might need to handle millions of transactions quickly. They automatically … Continue reading Balancing Scalability and Functionality: A Discussion on Dataverse Elastic Tables

Incorporate Custom Icons with Tooltips into a Grid Column

Adding custom icons to your subgrid not only makes the experience more interactive and enjoyable but also leverages the adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" by enhancing the user interface to be more engaging and informative. A notable feature of Dynamics allows for the conditional inclusion of custom icons, which adds a dynamic … Continue reading Incorporate Custom Icons with Tooltips into a Grid Column

Link activities to various related records

Introducing a new feature that allows users to connect activity records like emails, appointments, tasks, and calls to multiple related party records such as accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunities. This marks a departure from the past when it wasn't possible to link an activity record with more than one related party. Now, users can easily … Continue reading Link activities to various related records

Enhancing Model-Driven Power Apps with Custom Pages

Custom pages in Power Apps blend the flexibility of canvas apps with the structured approach of model-driven development, elevating the app creation process. These pages enable the integration of multiple tables, facilitate defining interactions, and empower users with low-code tools to craft versatile pages, dialogs, or panes. Each custom page represents a distinct element within … Continue reading Enhancing Model-Driven Power Apps with Custom Pages