Introducing Version Control for Solution Cloud Flows

Max: Hey Zoe, have you checked out the new versioning feature for solution cloud flows? Zoe: No, I haven't. What does it do? Max: It's a game-changer. Previously, we didn’t have versioning for cloud flows, so if you needed to revert to a previous version after making changes or encountering errors, you were out of … Continue reading Introducing Version Control for Solution Cloud Flows

Flowing Conversations: Mastering Change Sets

Max: Hey Zoe, have you heard about the feature in Powerautomate that allows us to perform change set requests using flows? Zoe: No, I haven't. What's that all about? Max: Well, change sets are a way to bundle several operations together, so they either all succeed or all fail as a group. It's like putting … Continue reading Flowing Conversations: Mastering Change Sets

Chatting Up Automation: Crafting Workflows with Words

Max: The robots are stealing our bread and butter! Zoe: Easy there, buddy, they're not raiding the fridge just yet. Max: For real? Ever dabbled with "Describe it to design it"? Zoe: What's the big whoop with that? Max: Buckle up and check this out, pal. Using Power Automate to automate your tasks can be … Continue reading Chatting Up Automation: Crafting Workflows with Words

Tracking Record Origins – Manual Creation vs. Import Jobs

Are you curious about whether a record in Dynamics 365 was created through a regular process or imported from an external source like an Excel or CSV file? Understanding the origin of your data can be crucial, especially when it comes to managing large datasets. Dynamics 365 offers a handy feature for importing data from … Continue reading Tracking Record Origins – Manual Creation vs. Import Jobs

Access to Flow Run Data in Dataverse Using Advanced Find

Dataverse now offers the ability to manage cloud flow run, allowing you to utilize its scalable extensibility for tracking your cloud flow executions. It's important to note that only those cloud flows integrated with Dataverse solution flows will have their run metadata stored in Dataverse. This functionality is highlighted by the fact that each cloud … Continue reading Access to Flow Run Data in Dataverse Using Advanced Find

How to Recover Deleted Flows Using Power Automate Management Connector

Reviving deleted flows in Power Automate, whether they are non-solution or solution flows, is achievable within 21 days of their deletion. For those unfamiliar, a non-solution flow is one not created within a solution framework. If you're an admin, you can easily accomplish this with the help of the Power Automate management connector. This process … Continue reading How to Recover Deleted Flows Using Power Automate Management Connector

Efficiently Canceling Numerous Flow Runs Using a Reusable Power Automate Flow

Are you managing numerous flows in Power Automate and need an efficient way to cancel more than 20 runs at once? Here's a handy guide to streamline this process using a special template. Key Points to Remember: The template processes about five runs per minute. Altering the delay period might lead to throttling, so it's … Continue reading Efficiently Canceling Numerous Flow Runs Using a Reusable Power Automate Flow

[PowerTips] PowerAutomate Optimizing Common Steps

Power Automate, part of the Microsoft Power Platform, is a tool designed to help users create automated workflows between various applications and services. These workflows, known as "flows," enable tasks to be automated without the need for coding expertise. While Power Automate is aimed at citizen developers, it's increasingly being used by professional developers for … Continue reading [PowerTips] PowerAutomate Optimizing Common Steps

[PowerTips] Mastering Mentions in Activity Feeds

In Dynamics 365, Posts are a valuable tool for sharing events or significant milestones on the timeline. They facilitate communication among team members, functioning much like an internal chat system. Additionally, Posts assist in presenting a chronological visualization of the activities associated with specific records such as contacts, leads, and opportunities, helping teams to stay … Continue reading [PowerTips] Mastering Mentions in Activity Feeds

Exploring Pre-built AI models in Power Automate

AI Builder has ready-made models that let you make apps and flows smarter without needing to create your own from scratch. For instance, in Power Apps, there's a ready-to-use model that can read business cards for you. In Power Automate, there's one that tells if customer comments are good or bad. In this one, we'll … Continue reading Exploring Pre-built AI models in Power Automate